Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 158

And, I think, as a kid, I had a strong motivation to do something of my life. And, I think that\'s the strongest motivation I really got. And, that came obviously from my parents and my grandparents
And, I think, as a kid, I had a strong motivation to do something of my life. And, I think that's the strongest motivation I really got. And, that came obviously from my parents and my grandparents
 Philippe Perrin
True compassion means not only feeling another's pain but also being moved to help relieve it.
 Daniel Goleman
Often, to be free means the ability to deal with the realities of one's own situation so as not to be overcome by them.
 Howard Thurman
And (cue music swell) motherhood turned out to be the most meaningful thing I've ever done with my life. Really.
 Nia Vardalos
A garden has this advantage, that it makes it indifferent where you live. A well-laid garden makes the face of the country of no account; let that be low or high, grand or mean, you have made a beautiful abode worthy of man.
The strong desire for success is the best indication that you can achieve success.
 Stanisław I Leszczyński
Exercise is an absolute must. Period. That doesn't mean I'm a gym junkie - it just means that I have to get a few days doing something physical a week, even just for my mental sanity.
 Matthew Hussey
Looking backwards, I look at my resume and I look at the things I've accomplished, but quite honestly there's just that word, 'Mother', I just saw it on the paper, and I that's the one that means the most to me.
 Michele Bachmann
The word 'sin' is beautiful; it comes from a root which means 'forgetfulness'. You may not be able to see the connection between forgetfulness and sin, but there IS a connection: forgetfulness means unawareness, unconsciousness.
When you are able to make a living with your job as an artist, that means you have an audience and you have to thank this audience.
When you are able to make a living with your job as an artist, that means you have an audience and you have to thank this audience.
 Rokia Traore
The loving person makes other people feel good, and he is usually a happy person himself. He is able to form strong, long-lasting friendships.
 Benjamin Spock
That cause is strong which has, not a multitude, but one strong man behind it.
 James Russell Lowell
Democracy is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the sacred promises of human dignity, justice and peace.
 Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
Detachment doesn’t mean you don’t let the experience penetrate you. On the contrary, you let it penetrate you fully. That’s how you are able to leave it.
Wealth per se I never too much valued, and my acquaintance with its possessors has by no means increased my veneration for it.
 Fanny Burney
It is easier for a woman to be a good wife than a good mother. A widow has two duties with contrary obligations: she is a mother and she must exercise paternal authority. Few woman are strong enough to understand and to play this role.
More than in any other human relationship, overwhelmingly more, motherhood means being instantly interruptible, responsive, and responsible
 Tillie Olsen
Rebels seldom make good revolutionaries, because organized action, even union with other people, is not possible for them.
 Lillian Hellman
Freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of a free society.
Freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of a free society.
 Felix Frankfurter
If C++ has taught me one thing, it's this: Just because the system is consistent doesn't mean it's not the work of Satan.
 Andrew Plotkin