Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 157

The measure of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.
The measure of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.
Accepting does not necessarily mean liking, enjoying, condoning. I can accept what is-and be determined to evolve from there. It is not acceptance but denial that leaves me stuck.
 Nathaniel Branden
Your job as a parent is to listen. And to dole out as much love as you can. That includes tough love.
 Christie Brinkley
Well-adjusted means you can make the same mistakes over and over again, and keep smiling.
 George Bergman
Among many of my friends and acquaintances, I seem to be one of the very few individuals who felt or feels no ambivalence about my mother. All my feelings for my mother were positive, very strong and abiding.
You put a movie star or a bunch of movie stars in a movie, it doesn't mean people are gonna go see it. It's been proven time and time again.
 John Slattery
The most effective means of ensuring the government's accountability to the people is an aggressive, free, challenging, untrusting press.
The key to freedom is accepting my own autonomy as an individual, and respecting the autonomy of other individuals, with all of what that means - whatever that means.
 Benjamin Ward Richardson
I'm not good enough to be playin' much acoustic guitar onstage. Man, you gotta get so right; I mean, the tones, the feel, the sound. Plus, acoustic blues guitar is just that much harder on the fingers.
 Johnny Winter
It\'s tough to put into words right now, but I finished my career how I wanted to. Through the ups and downs of my career I\'ve still been able to do everything that I\'ve ever wanted to accomplish.
It's tough to put into words right now, but I finished my career how I wanted to. Through the ups and downs of my career I've still been able to do everything that I've ever wanted to accomplish.
 Michael Phelps
Men at forty Learn to close softly The doors to rooms they will not be Coming back to.
 Donald Justice
I believe that we have the ability to change our lives using our imaginations. Imagination is a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it gets.
 Rodman Philbrick
We are all meant to be mothers of God, for God is always needing to be born.
 Meister Eckhart
Screw the Silent Brothers." "No thanks. There's strong and silent, and then there's just freaky." "Isabelle!
Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the home: 'Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.' That doesn't mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.
A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that means nothing. It must be seen on the shoulders, with the movement of the arms, the legs, and the waist.
 Coco Chanel
Setting ... is accident. Either a building is part of a place, or it is not. Once that kinship is there, time will only make it stronger.
 Willa Cather
Television is a media of crisis, which means that television is a media of accidents.
 Paul Virilio
So much gets lost in the translation. Even if you sat there listening to it with a microscope, there\'s no way you\'re gonna find out what it means.
So much gets lost in the translation. Even if you sat there listening to it with a microscope, there's no way you're gonna find out what it means.
 Frank Zappa
The word "freewill" (as also "self-determining power" [autexousiou] used by the Greek Fathers) does not occur in Scripture ... I Cor 7:37 does not mean freedom of the will.
 Francis Turretin