Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 146

They\'re real strong magic, they make you have good luck. Not like fried chicken when you\'re not lookin\' for it, but things like long life n\' good health, n\' passin\' six weeks tests...these are real valuable to somebody.
They're real strong magic, they make you have good luck. Not like fried chicken when you're not lookin' for it, but things like long life n' good health, n' passin' six weeks tests...these are real valuable to somebody.
 Harper Lee
Not only has my latest book, The Wandering Who?, rocked the boat, but it also has managed to unite Alan Dershowitz and Abe Foxman with Ali Abunimah and Max Blumenthal. That is pretty encouraging: it means that peace may prevail after all.
 Gilad Atzmon
I mean there's certainly a lot of progressive rock and metal that exists at the underground level, which has its own vitality, as it should. But it seems to have lost its ability to really charge up the hill.
 Billy Corgan
A free society is regarded as one that does not engage, on principle, in attempting to control what people find meaningful, and a totalitarian society is regarded as one that does, on principle, attempt such control.
 Michael Polanyi
Yes, my mother's death is a terrible sorrow to me. I feel - do you know what I mean - the silence of it so. She was more alive than anyone I have ever known.
 Katherine Mansfield
When your time is turned into money, the felt presence of immediate experience is analogous to being enslaved. I mean, let's be frank about it, it is enslavement.
Mindful grief means mourning and letting go of the past without expectation, fear, censure, blame, shame, control and so forth. Without such mindful grief, neither past nor person can be laid to rest.
 David Richo
When we define the Photograph as a motionless image, this does not mean only that the figures it represents do not move; it means that they do not (i)emerge(i), do not (i)leave(i): they are anesthetized and fastened down, like butterflies.
 Roland Barthes
I mean, one thing I know about change is we are not going to close the achievement gap without educators.
 Margaret Spellings
In a perfect world, everybody would be gay. I mean if everybody looked like Zach Braff, you just wouldn\'t be able to resist.
In a perfect world, everybody would be gay. I mean if everybody looked like Zach Braff, you just wouldn't be able to resist.
 Zach Braff
Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.
 Trey Parker
When I heard that Hitler had problems with flatulence, it's funny. What - does that make him a funny man? No. It means he had funny moments when his rear end was speaking louder than his mouth.
 John Oliver
Being blonde means people decide on sight that you are much prettier and nicer than you really are, just as Americans automatically add 10 points to someone's IQ when they hear an English accent. Fact.
 Rachel Johnson
‎Old enough to kill means old enough to die
 Janet Morris
Why are you breaking down, incidentally? I mean if you’re able to go into a collapse with all your might, why can’t you use the same energy to stay well and busy?
 J. D. Salinger
Sex is interesting, but it's not totally important. I mean it's not even as important (physically) as excretion. A man can go seventy years without a piece of ass, but he can die in a week without a bowel movement.
There is no stronger bond of friendship than a common enemy.
 Frank Frankfort Moore
As far as I'm concerned all theatre is physical. As Aristotle says, you know, theatre is an act and an action, and he didn't mean just the writing of it, he meant that at the centre of any piece there is an action, a physical action.
 Simon McBurney
What a thing is and what it means are not separate, the former being physical and the latter mental as we are accustomed to believe.
What a thing is and what it means are not separate, the former being physical and the latter mental as we are accustomed to believe.
 James J. Gibson
Karma means your have to live with the consequences of the actions you have taken in the past. Whatever you put out is coming back.