Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 137

Faith doesn’t mean an absence of fear. It means facing fear and trusting that God’s goodness is greater.
Faith doesn’t mean an absence of fear. It means facing fear and trusting that God’s goodness is greater.
 Matt Chandler
I box because my father made me a warrior, and that doesn't necessarily have to mean a bad thing, either! After, it became for pleasure, pride, and because it's in my blood. This sports made me the man I am.
 Fabio Gatti
You are the untold story. You are the impassioned truth wanting to scream its existence, to be forever trapped by a strong hand clapped firmly over the mouth of my soul.
I worshipped dead men for their strength, Forgetting I was strong.
 Vita Sackville-West
I think art, if it's meaningful at all, is a conversation with other artists. You say something, they say something, you move back and forth.
 John Baldessari
The clarity of Scripture means that the Bible is written in such a way that its teachings are able to be understood by all who will read it seeking God's help and being willing to follow it.
 Wayne Grudem
Truth and nonviolence are both the means and the end, and given the right type of men, the legislatures can be the means of achieving the concrete pursuit of truth and nonviolence.
The temptation to moralize is strong; it is emotionally satisfying to have enemies rather than problems, to seek out culprits rather than the flaws in the system.
 William Sloane Coffin
There are dozens of references to God in the Scriptures for every one to the figure of Satan. This reflects a sometimes forgotten theological truth that the devil is by no means God’s counterpart. He is a creature, not the Creator.
 John Ortberg
My mum passing away wasn\'t funny, but that funeral and what I went through, the things that happened, looking back at it, there were funny moments. You have to be strong enough to look back at it, to sit and assess the situation.
My mum passing away wasn't funny, but that funeral and what I went through, the things that happened, looking back at it, there were funny moments. You have to be strong enough to look back at it, to sit and assess the situation.
 Kevin Hart
Even the striving for equality by means of a directed economy can result only in an officially enforced inequality - an authoritarian determination of the status of each individual in the new hierarchical order.
To deschool means to abolish the power of one person to oblige another.
 Ivan Illich
It is characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.
 Robert M. Lindner
She seemed to mean what she said. She said pretty much this: I retained some lawyers, I have to move on with my life, I am divorcing you, and then she added, I need money.
 Dennis Kozlowski
We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now.
I mean, I grew up an athlete training and training and training. So I kind of have that mentality.
 Scott Speedman
The motto of war is: "Let the strong survive; let the weak die." The motto of peace is: "Let the strong help the weak to survive.
Insurrection is the last remedy, especially when the people have acquired the belief that peaceful means to secure the remedies for evils prove futile.
 Marcelo H. del Pilar
Inspiration is the greatest gift because it opens your life to many new possibilities. Each day becomes more meaningful, and your life is enhanced when your actions are guided by what inspires you.
Inspiration is the greatest gift because it opens your life to many new possibilities. Each day becomes more meaningful, and your life is enhanced when your actions are guided by what inspires you.
 Bernie Siegel
It's tough to have a movie-star persona when you're on a show as successful as 'Friends.'
 Matthew Perry