Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 128

I mean there\'s still also an element of the audience looking for role models. In my day, when I started, if you were an action hero, you were a little bit of a role model like the person.
I mean there's still also an element of the audience looking for role models. In my day, when I started, if you were an action hero, you were a little bit of a role model like the person.
 Dolph Lundgren
Have a determination that is strong enough to move walls.
 Aaron Feuerstein
Italy to me is like the mean mother. Whatever I do, it's never good enough. People say I'm the queen of Cannes, but in Italy I get turned down for work.
 Asia Argento
Because I know war... because I know the horror, I don't want to add to it. .........After the war, we felt the need to celebrate life, and for me photography was the means to achieve this.
 Edouard Boubat
Words without action mean nothing. I’ll show you.
 Gena Showalter
Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on.
 Bill Withers
I mean, certainly it's the single biggest event, I think, in terms of popular entertainment, or art even, if you say that, of the 20th Century. It's been film. It's the 20th Century's real art form.
 Sydney Pollack
Means are more important than ends in the civilized struggle for ideas. Our dreams may be the loveliest on earth, but if we wade through blood and terror to achieve them, we will arrive to find ourselves destroyed. Don't kill.
 Yuri Orlov
Master of the universe but not of myself, I am the only rebel against my absolute power.
 Pierre Corneille
And humility in politics means accepting that one party doesn\'t have all the answers; recognising that working in partnership is progress not treachery.
And humility in politics means accepting that one party doesn't have all the answers; recognising that working in partnership is progress not treachery.
 Vince Cable
Mama tried to save us from the streets, but the streets were too strong.
 Barry White
We're weird guys. I don't know if a lot of people get our humor. A lot of people probably think we're jerks. We're real sarcastic. Really ironic and stuff. We mean well, but we joke around probably a lot more than we should.
 Brendon Urie
It means being able to resist the urge for immediate gratification and opt for the course of action that will pay off later.
 Ann Landers
Global warming pollution, indeed all pollution, is now described by economists as an externality. This absurd label means, in essence: we don’t to keep track of this stuff so let’s pretend it doesn’t exist.
As regards my means of expression, I try my hardest to achieve the maximum of clarity, power, and plastic aggressiveness; a physical sensation to begin with, followed up by an impact on the psyche.
 Joan Miro
Fate controls only the weak, Your Highness. The strong mould the providence the want
 Amish Tripathi
The accusation that President Clinton cares deeply about nothing is refuted by his tenacious and guileful battle to prevent any meaningful limits on the form of infanticide known as partial-birth abortion.
 George Will
Parabatai" said Jace. "It means a pair of warriors who fight together - who are closer than brothers. Alec is more than justmy best friend.
Being competent means the ability to control and operate the things in the environment and the environment itself.
Being competent means the ability to control and operate the things in the environment and the environment itself.
My mother was really loving and wonderful and tough as hell.
 David Copperfield