Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 126

A gifted small girl has explained that pins are a great means of saving life, \
A gifted small girl has explained that pins are a great means of saving life, "by not swallowing them.
 Charles Edward Montague
I mean, the whole idea of movies was it was special to go to see; you went to a movie theater to see something that was magical and amazing, in a very special location.
 Bob Balaban
Consent must be freely given, can be withdrawn at any time, and the absence of 'no' does not mean 'yes.'" How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that "no" means "yes" if you know how to spot it?
Often times, being in a popular thing means that you have to compromise your own acting.
 Jesse Eisenberg
Community means caring: caring for people. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says: "He who loves community destroys community; he who loves the brethren builds community." A community is not an abstract ideal.
 Jean Vanier
At the root of all the varied manifestations of dancing, lies the common impulse to resort to movement to externalize emotional states which we cannot extemalize by rational means.
 Jamake Highwater
Art is not an end in itself, but a means of addressing humanity.
 Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for ther own reconstruction.
 Ari Fleischer
If you look at the movies that come out, most of them are bad, so it's not as if achieving some level of success means you get offered better roles, because frankly they don't seem to exist.
 Jesse Eisenberg
They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.
They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.
 Lois Lowry
What you learn from studying acting is that you have to have the courage to just make strong choices.
 Sarah Rafferty
Every hero is a Samson. The strong man succumbs to the intrigues of the weak and the many; and if in the end he loses all patience he crushes both them and himself.
Or perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.
Reason looks at necessity as the basis of the world; reason is able to turn chance in your favor and use it. Only by having reasonremain strong and unshakable can we be called a god of the earth.
Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense.
Journalism, like history, has no therapeutic value; it is better able to diagnose than to cure, and it provides society with a primitive means of psychoanalysis that allows the patient to judge the distance between fantasy and reality.
Sanctification means that the Christians have been judged already, and that they are being preserved until the coming of Christ and are ever advancing towards it.
I think if I were a superhero saving the world, I'd expect at least not to have to pay income taxes. I mean there should be something in it for a hero who risks his life to save mankind every day.
 Stan Lee
We can and must move U.S. politics forward by means of committed participation.
We can and must move U.S. politics forward by means of committed participation.
 Paul Wellstone
He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.
 Louisa May Alcott