Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 108

Acceptance means commitment, among other things.
Acceptance means commitment, among other things.
 Ian Hacking
True peace of mind comes from accepting the worst. Psychologically, I think it means a release of energy.
 Lin Yutang
The concept of loyalty is distorted when it is understood to mean blind acceptance. It is correctly interpreted when it is assumed to cover honest criticism.
 Dag Hammarskjold
Created man cannot become a son of God and god by grace through deification, unless he is first through his own free choice begotten in the Spirit by means of the self-loving and independent power dwelling naturally in him.
 Maximus the Confessor
Photography isolates the world via an aperture and gives the photographer the means to see differently, to achieve a spontaneous vision that is direct and uncompromising.
 Ellsworth Kelly
It is Mortifying to suppose it possible that a people able and zealous to contend with the Enemy should be reduced to fold their Arms for want of the means of defence; yet no resources that we know of, ensure us against this event.
My mantra is: Realize you're going to fail all the time, and accept it. That doesn't mean I'm not frightened of it.
 Mark Burnett
In tough economic times, desperate people do desperate things, and the abortion rate goes up.
 Jesse Jackson
Ambition means tying your well-being to what other people say or do. Self-indulgence means tying it to the things that happen to you. Sanity means tying it to your own actions.
I had a very strong-willed mother, who I totally adored. She was always in control of her life.
I had a very strong-willed mother, who I totally adored. She was always in control of her life.
 Jan de Bont
My mother is one of those very unusual, superb human beings-she's innately strong and incredibly smart. She created an environment for me to explore who I was.
 Charlize Theron
A big part of being an actress specifically is feeling entitled to your artistic opinion, feeling that it means something, and being able to stand by it.
 Maggie Gyllenhaal
My study of chess was accompanied by a strong attraction to music, and it was probably thanks to this that from childhood I became accustomed to thinking of chess as an art, for all the science and sport involved in it.
 Vasily Smyslov
I have friends who are so sarcastic, but I never view it as mean.
 Kat Dennings
If the 21st Century is the era of knowledge and of knowledgeable human-force, then, to extol this force, Gujarat must form a strong bond with books.
Our culture is at a critical cusp - a time that requires that we define what it means to be a citizen in a democracy. Within our nation we need to foster a greater sense of collective responsibility.
 Robert Neelly Bellah
To be able to love and live in freedom means to be able to make godly decisions. To make godly decisions we have to surrender our egos and all the falsity and shame that goes with it.
 James McGreevey
After an argument, silence may mean acceptance or the continuation of resistance by other means.
PR is extremely important, and being able to use it in the right way means everything. You have to market your success
PR is extremely important, and being able to use it in the right way means everything. You have to market your success
 Lee Haney
Here, there's more of a movement, it doesn't mean we're winning any more, but we're at least fighting.
 Bill McKibben