Mean Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless - page 103

Blimey, said the other twin. Are you — ? He is, said the first twin. Aren’t you? he added to Harry. What? said Harry. Harry Potter, chorused the twins. Oh, him, said Harry. I mean, yes, I am.
Blimey, said the other twin. Are you — ? He is, said the first twin. Aren’t you? he added to Harry. What? said Harry. Harry Potter, chorused the twins. Oh, him, said Harry. I mean, yes, I am.
A Warrior knows that the ends do not justify the means. Because there are no ends, there are only means...
Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame.
Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.
 Viktor E. Frankl
My mum was never strict. I was allowed to go out to clubs underage, watch TV, listen to whatever music I wanted to, and that made me not rebel. I have never touched a drug in my life.
 Kelly Brook
Because someone is a lama or is part of a monastic order or claims to be part of a succession, doesn't really mean they know anything. Always examine the individual's consciousness, their ability to transmit light.
My daughter hasn't seen me with anybody in five years. I'm very, very selective when it comes to that because I want to make sure that it's real. I don't want her to see me with just anybody because she means everything to me.
 Brandy Norwood
A woman likes a strong, silent man because she thinks he is listening.
 Croft M. Pentz
When you're young, all the accidents, all the pain you take them; but at least you're very strong. In fact through time, it's just adding more and more pain; more and more loss, and it makes you more fragile.
 Carole Bouquet
I refuse to accept that the shackles of slavery can ever be stronger than the quest for freedom.
I refuse to accept that the shackles of slavery can ever be stronger than the quest for freedom.
 Kailash Satyarthi
I'm not a 'strong warrior queen' like people think. I spend most of my day cooking and doing things with my sons.
 Kola Boof
I found being able to change things on the fly and react to the changes in the artwork makes it stronger. And I feel like I'm not doing the job twice.
 David Finch
Woo means the ability to entice someone or something to get what you want. My first solo album was called: All the Woo of the Universe, which was titled by George Clinton.
 Bernie Worrell
great writers are indecent people they live unfairly saving the best part for paper. good human beings save the world so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal. if you read this after I am dead it means I made it.
I mean, there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world - within the E.U., between China and the United States. Which way is it going to go? It's hard to see.
“An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure.”
 Genghis Khan
Becoming mature means learning to accept what you cannot change, facing unresolved sorrows and learning to love life as it really happens, not as you would have it happen.
 Barbara Sher
Karma means changing planes of reality or changing fields of attention. There will be perhaps a resulting physical action stemming from the change of these fields of attention.
I wear boxers all the time. I don\'t really move like a girl. I mean, unless it\'s time for me to get dressed or something.
I wear boxers all the time. I don't really move like a girl. I mean, unless it's time for me to get dressed or something.
Deregulation has been, above all else, a means of reducing corporate business's accountability to the public.
 Herbert Schiller