Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 524

It takes a long time to become a lawyer because you need three things - a bachelor\'s degree, a law degree, and a desire to worship Satan.
It takes a long time to become a lawyer because you need three things - a bachelor's degree, a law degree, and a desire to worship Satan.
 Craig Ferguson
There are but few who have ideas and are, at the same time, capable of action. Ideas enlarge but stymie, action enlivens but confines.
There is no escape from the vast imbalances in international trade and finance. They will be corrected, sooner or later, by the inexorable principles that govern human action.
 Hans F. Sennholz
Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too.
There's good art and there's bad art. A lot of action films are bad art, but Paul Greengrass showed us with the Bourne films that it's possible to make an action film with a political, social conscience.
 Joe Wright
What kind of man would live a life without daring? Is life so sweet that we should criticize men that seek adventure? Is there a better way to die?
 Charles Lindbergh
Abstraction is one of the greatest visionary tools ever invented by human beings to imagine, decipher, and depict the world.
 Jerry Saltz
God is continuously in action, without resting for a single moment.
Beauty is power and elegance, right action, form fitting function, intelligence, and reasonability. And very often expressed in curves.
 Kim Stanley Robinson
There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you; no greater satisfaction than to vindicate his expectation.
There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you; no greater satisfaction than to vindicate his expectation.
 Kingman Brewster, Jr.
In design it is important to shoe the effect of an action. ... Feedback is critical.
 Donald A. Norman
Having a mental snapshot of where you are, where you are going, and what you are moving toward is incredibly powerful.
 Sara Blakely
I just wish this social institution [religion] wasnt based on what appears to me to be a monumental hoax built on an accumulation of customs and myths directed toward proving something that isnt true.
 Andy Rooney
You're only responsible for your own actions. You can't control how someone else reacts to what you do. You made a choice. Stand by it.
 Kekla Magoon
I'm sorry I let everybody down, I'm fighting just to pay my bills. I don't have the stomach for this anymore... I don't have the desire for it. I feel bad for the people... I wish they could get their money back.
In order to change our mode of action, we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us.
 Moshe Feldenkrais
Begin each day as if it were on purpose.
 Will Smith
I often wish my mother had died so that at least I could get some people's sympathy. But there she was, a perfectly beautiful mother.
 Yoko Ono
There is nothing the wise man does reluctantly.
There is nothing the wise man does reluctantly.
Remember you will not always win. Some days, the most resourceful individual will taste defeat. But there is, in this case, always tomorrow - after you have done your best to achieve success today.
 Maxwell Maltz