Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 289

I\'m actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you\'re separate from everyone else.
I'm actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you're separate from everyone else.
 Bryan Singer
He had known so much about her once -what she thought, how she felt, the reasons for her actions. And now he only knew that he loved her, and all the other knowledge seemed passing from him just as he needed it most.
I would just love to do something where I'd have to train and work really hard and do one of those types of action movies, which a lot of women are doing now
 Christina Milian
REDRESS, n. Reparation without satisfaction.
How to make a million dollars: First, get a million dollars
 Steve Martin
I'm always doing things I can't do. That's how I get to do them.
Insecure leaders think everything is about them, and as a result, every action, every piece of information, every decision is put through their filter of self-centeredness.
If a nation wishes, it can have both free elections and slavery.
 Garry Wills
In politics intentions count for nothing; actions are what matter.
 David Horowitz
Don\'t just learn something from every experience, learn something positive.
Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive.
 Al Neuharth
Canada receives the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden with sober satisfaction. Sadly, others will take his place.
 Stephen Harper
When you're younger, your inspiration is there. As you get older, it tends to waver. Once you find it - I found it again - that's where you can draw from. That's where you draw your strength from.
 Elvis Stojko
If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work.
In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without one-hundred percent dedication, you won't be able to do this.
 Willie Mays
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
No one wants to mother more vigilantly than a woman who is childless and wishes she wasn’t.
 Elizabeth Berg
Some people fold after making one timid request. They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers. In sales there are usually four or five "no's" before you get a "yes.
We need artists to help us come together and share our voices and build community around powerful issues concerning our roles in the world and our planet's survival. Compassion must be translated into action.
 Natasha Mayers
Bob arum is Manny Pacquiao\'s boss, Floyd Mayweather is his own boss.
Bob arum is Manny Pacquiao's boss, Floyd Mayweather is his own boss.
 Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Don't worry about your individual numbers. Worry about the team. If the team is successful, each of you will be successful, too.
 Branch Rickey