Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 201

If you want things to change, You have to change. If you want things to be better, You have to be better.
If you want things to change, You have to change. If you want things to be better, You have to be better.
I am still feeling my calf strain, so I have been unable to train this week. I will again have to sit out the weekend action, but the lads are climbing ever higher to safety.
 David Ginola
How immense God is, that He is able to sweep into His purposes even foolish requests and bad motivations.
 Alistair Begg
In today's roller-coaster economy, hyper-competitive, fear-based, flat and global world, convincing anyone to do anything at any time requires getting their attention, creating their intention and turning it to action.
 Peter Guber
Chisora's not a nice man, not a nice human being.
 David Haye
The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare.
 Bobby Knight
Racism is predictable. It's predicted by interaction or lack thereof with people unlike you, people of other races.
 Nate Silver
When all actions are mathematically calculated, they also take on a stupid quality.
 Theodor Adorno
No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthy action, but the consciousness of having served his nation.
 Joseph Brant
Responsible persons are mature people who have taken charge of themselves and their conduct, who own their actions and own up to them--who answer for them.
Responsible persons are mature people who have taken charge of themselves and their conduct, who own their actions and own up to them--who answer for them.
 William Bennett
My experience from 20 years of Africa is that the seemingly impossible is possible.
 Hans Rosling
Average people look forward to "getting off." Successful people look forward to "getting on.
Begin to read a book that will help you move toward your dream.
 Les Brown
The quantity of force which can be brought into action in the whole of Nature is unchangeable, and can neither be increased nor diminished.
 Hermann von Helmholtz
Training in compassion is a mental activity. but our mind should also be brought to the level where every action we take is influenced by compassion. That means engaging ourselves in compassion in action.
 Gelek Rimpoche
Through our faith, we gain the courage to take action. And through action, we move one step closer toward the manifestation of our desires.
Motivation has to come from within. I make up my mind to shoot for the moon. Even if I don't make it, I'll be among the stars.
 Francie Larrieu Smith
They who pray with faith have fervour and fervour is the fire of prayer. This mysterious fire has the power of consuming all our faults and imperfections, and of giving to our actions, vitality, beauty and merit.
 Frances Xavier Cabrini
I have no Napoleonic dream. I\'m just hard-working and pragmatic.
I have no Napoleonic dream. I'm just hard-working and pragmatic.
 Roman Abramovich
The true motives of our actions, like the real pipes of an organ, are usually concealed; but the gilded and hollow pretext is pompously placed in the front for show.