Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 179

We live by action—by acting on desire. Those of us who don\'t know how to want—whether geniuses or beggars—are related by impotence.
We live by action—by acting on desire. Those of us who don't know how to want—whether geniuses or beggars—are related by impotence.
The vast majority of human beings are not interested in reason or satisfied with what it teaches.
Freedom, privileges, options, must constantly be exercised, even at the risk of inconvenience.
 Jack Vance
The underlying motivation that drives all addiction is our insistence on avoiding pain. However, the pain you are avoiding is based in the past, and has nothing to do with the present moment.
 Leonard Jacobson
Each day you must choose, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
 Eric Mangini
A fighter can condition his body to go hard certain rounds, then to coast certain rounds.
Without a standard there is no logical basis for making a decision or taking action.
 Joseph M. Juran
A slave- holder, who has decided to abolish slavery, does not consult his slaves whether they desire freedom or not.
The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.
 Howard Cosell
The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?
The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?
Men's actions to futurity appear but as the events to which they are conjoined do give them consequence.
 Joanna Baillie
The kindness of strangers and the support of the international community are truly the rays of hope we North Korean people need.
 Lee Hyeon-seo
There is no one so insufferable as a person who gives no other excuse for a peculiar action than saying he had been directed to it in a dream.
The true men of action in our time, those who transform the world, are not the politicians and statesmen, but the scientists
What you think determines your outlook on life. What you do determines your destiny.
 Barry Gallagher
One cannot demand of art that it pay you in any other way than in the satisfaction of the work itself.
 Uta Hagen
There was a man who was worthless, and knew he was worthless, and yet however far down he tried to sink his soul, there was always some part of him capable of great action.
U.S. military action in Iraq: It sure didn't work out well last time. Let's not make that mistake again.
 Alan Grayson
The only reason why you should do a film is because it creatively carbonates you and gets you going. If you\'re doing it for any other reason, you\'ve lost sight of why you\'re acting, in the first place.
The only reason why you should do a film is because it creatively carbonates you and gets you going. If you're doing it for any other reason, you've lost sight of why you're acting, in the first place.
 Graham Phillips
Everybody has to be responsible for their own actions - and if they do something wrong, I believe in paying for it.
 Kate Mara