Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 176

Leaders are made, they are not born
Leaders are made, they are not born
In any ethical situation, the thing you want least to do is probably the right action.
 Jerry Pournelle
An evil intention perverts the best actions, and makes them sins.
Having a true faith is the most difficult thing in the world. Many will try to take it from you.
 Steve Prefontaine
Everything I did, I did for mankind.
 Marco Tempest
Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure, and still more pressure through broad organized aggressive mass action.
 A. Philip Randolph
They’re called action scenes because they do the acting for you. You don’t have to act in action scenes.
 Helen Mirren
More coming out about Saddam Hussein. We now know he takes Viagra and he has as many as six mistresses. No wonder Congress is reluctant to take action against this guy - he's one of their own.
I don't play online games. 'Warcraft,' I've played that, but I mainly play action games.
Your man with a thin skin, a vehement ambition, a scrupulous conscience, and a sanguine desire for rapid improvement is never a happy, and seldom a fortunate politician.
Your man with a thin skin, a vehement ambition, a scrupulous conscience, and a sanguine desire for rapid improvement is never a happy, and seldom a fortunate politician.
 Anthony Trollope
Our culture says that feelings of love are the basis for actions of love. And of course that can be true. But it is truer to say that actions of love can lead consistently to feelings of love.
Hesitation only enlarges, magnifies the fear. Take action promptly. Be decisive.
 David J. Schwartz
When a person really loves you, you can feel it. I'm not talking about the way YOU feel nor the way he/she feels towards you but the way he/she treats you. From their actions, you can feel their love.
 Rita Zahara
The real satisfaction from mathematics is in learning from others and sharing with others.
 William Thurston
Human ambitions are like Japanese carp; they grow proportional to the size of their environment. Our achievements grow according to the size of our dreams and the degree to which we are in touch with our mission.
 Keith Ferrazzi
The spirit is the cause of all our thoughts and body-action, and everything, but it is untouched by good or evil, pleasure or pain, heat of cold, and all the dualism of nature, although it lends its light to everything.
I think Barack Obama 'll talk about the actions that we've taken, not just since 9/11, but since Paris, to help keep the American people and American interests safe.
Part of the issue of achievement is to be able to set realistic goals, but that's one of the hardest things to do because you don't always know exactly where you're going, and you shouldn't.
I have learned that the consequences of our past actions are always interesting; I have learned to view the present with a forward-looking eye.
I have learned that the consequences of our past actions are always interesting; I have learned to view the present with a forward-looking eye.
 John Irving
Oh, God! That boy moves in a very exceptional way. That's the greatest dancer of the century.
 Fred Astaire