Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 173

When you have that window of opportunity called a crisis, move as quickly as you can, get as much done as you can. There\'s a momentum for change that\'s very compelling.
When you have that window of opportunity called a crisis, move as quickly as you can, get as much done as you can. There's a momentum for change that's very compelling.
 Anne M. Mulcahy
I long for truth, and yet I cannot stay from that My better self disowns, For a man's attention Brings such satisfaction To the craving in my bones.
Democracy is still a radical idea in a world where we often confuse images with realities, words with actions.
For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing.
Real results will emerge when we realize the power of combined individual actions and voices to effect change.
 Achim Steiner
Mannerism always wants to be finished and doesn't enjoy the process. Genuine, truly great talent, however, finds its greatest satisfaction in the production.
I just like writing lyrics. I find a little satisfaction in performing live, making records. But primarily, I just try to write every day.
 Cass McCombs
Your best shot at happiness, self-worth and personal satisfaction - the things that constitute real success - is not in earning as much as you can but in performing as well as you can something that you consider worthwhile.
 William Raspberry
Action for Happiness encourages each of us to live more compassionately and put the happiness of others at the centre of our lives. This is the path to lasting peace and happiness
The truth is that every book we read, like every person we meet, has the capacity to change our lives. And though we can be sure our children will meet people, we must, must create, these days, their chance to meet books.
The truth is that every book we read, like every person we meet, has the capacity to change our lives. And though we can be sure our children will meet people, we must, must create, these days, their chance to meet books.
 Susan Cooper
Pure motives can never justify impure or violent action.
Harm can come about without will or action. But will and action can avert harm.
 A. S. Byatt
Believe one who has tried, you shall find a fuller satisfaction in the woods than in the books. The trees and the rocks will teach you that which you cannot hear from the masters.
 Bernard of Clairvaux
Let the League of Nations say whatever it pleases, let America offer whatever interference, let China decry Japan's action at the top of her voice, but Japan must adhere to her course unswervingly.
 Sadao Araki
Failure is an event, it is not a person.
You're the reason our kids are ugly.
 Loretta Lynn
All of our actions have in their doing the seed of their undoing.
 Louise Erdrich
If I would've fought Andre Ward in my prime, I would've beat him.
 Joe Calzaghe
If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I\'m selling your stock. There are enough investment choices here.
If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I'm selling your stock. There are enough investment choices here.
 Mark Cuban
Sometimes it's not about speed about power, it's about up here man [points to his head]. All these guys are not with me mentally.
 Adrien Broner