Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 137

Learn more about yourself! Make a self-esteem collage using pictures of other people you wish you were.
Learn more about yourself! Make a self-esteem collage using pictures of other people you wish you were.
 Amy Sedaris
I am feeling razor-sharp. Training sessions are really good. I feel that I am in peak condition. I know that I am ready for action.
 David Ginola
Of course the president Donald Trump said he wants to get to the truth. He always says that. But I think we all know that those words do not speak as loudly as his actions.
 Laurence Tribe
Listening is love in action.
 Leo Buscaglia
Become the change you want to see - those are words I live by.
The world belongs to those who think and act with it, who keep a finger on its pulse.
 William Ralph Inge
As past presidents of the Liberal Party, we deeply regret and are greatly saddened by the precipitate action by some party officers and members at the Manila Hotel.
 Florencio Abad
The education of circumstances is superior to that of tuition.
Google is about information and computers and making things really fast. Facebook is about the sharing and connections. These missions give these companies direction and motivation.
 Paul Buchheit
The conscious utterance of thought, by speech or action, to any end, is art.
The conscious utterance of thought, by speech or action, to any end, is art.
There is a transcendent awareness, a Big Mind, a Big Heart, present and readily accessible to each and every one of us. When we realize it, we see it is the source of true peace, happiness, satisfaction, courage and joy.
 Dennis Merzel
If you don't change direction, you end up where you are headed.
 John Gibbons
Transformation isn't a future event, it's a present day activity
 Jillian Michaels
When people flirt with despair about the future, they are less likely to take the actions necessary to safeguard it, focusing instead on the short-term.
Choose satisfaction over salary. Better to be happy with little than miserable with much.
It is not necessary for one to have perfected moral practice before asking others to consider their own actions
 Stephanie Kaza
Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.
 Diane Arbus
All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.
 Marshall B. Rosenberg
It\'s the hurt business, it\'s boxing. We\'re there to get it in.
It's the hurt business, it's boxing. We're there to get it in.
 Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I'm trying to keep my own house from burning down. I can't worry about someone else's house.
 Bill Parcells