Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 127

If your ship doesn\'t come in, swim out to it.
If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.
 Jonathan Winters
I wish there were shortcuts to wisdom and self-knowledge: cuter abysses or three-day spa wilderness experiences. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. I so resent this.
We negotiate with chaos for some sense of satisfaction.
 Ani DiFranco
I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others. When you have a pure, sincere motivation, then you have right attitude toward others based on kindness, compassion, love and respect.
when we leave society and come into the presence of Nature, we become children again; and the fictions of thought and action assumed among men drop off like a garment.
 Amelia Barr
Do as you like--if you know what it is.
Action is stronger than subjectivity. No matter what you feel or think, you can still act.
 Dan Millman
You can either take it as a way to motivate yourself or be happy with what you've got.
 Jeremy Bonderman
There is no substitute for hard work.
It\'s time for greatness - not for greed. It\'s a time for idealism - not ideology. It is a time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action.
It's time for greatness - not for greed. It's a time for idealism - not ideology. It is a time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action.
 Marian Wright Edelman
I'm fortunate that my job gives me the motivation to be as fit as possible. I wound up in a profession that requires physical and mental preparation, so I get to prepare like an athlete for everything I do. I'm living the dream, man.
 Mark Wahlberg
I keep my feet on the ground, keep dedicated, keep focused, underestimate nobody and obviously you need the ability, talent and everything else that goes with it.
 Joe Calzaghe
I really didn't care. I'd do something to somebody and walk in front of them the next day like it never happened. I had very very low value on my own life.
 Bernard Hopkins
You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made.
 Michael Beckwith
Japanese gamers aren't really into action games right now. They're into role-playing or strategy games with a lot of stats, but action titles are still really popular across the US and Europe.
 Hideo Kojima
Reason leads to conclusions. Emotion leads to action.
 Donald Calne
If you begin by saying, 'Thou shalt not lie,' there is no longer any possibility of political action.
Even avatars have to desire to be in God in every moment. And when avatars die, they desire with all their being to be united with God. ….. Look at Ramakrishna. How much he wept and prayed for the Divine Mother.
 Mother Meera
We are in an extremely precarious and urgent situation that compels immediate action
We are in an extremely precarious and urgent situation that compels immediate action
 David Karoly
Strong leaders understand that action cures indecision
 Toyotomi Hideyoshi