Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 119

I profess not talking: only this, Let each man do his best.
I profess not talking: only this, Let each man do his best.
The fundamental challenge of achieving anything you wish is first to convince yourself to do it. Once you are totally convinced of its value, you'll find a way to get it done.
 Ralph Marston
Find out what's keeping them up nights and offer hope. Your theme must be an answer to their fears
 Gerald C. Meyers
Learn to differentiate between what is truly important and what can be dealt with at another time.
 Mia Hamm
Some men are born committed to action: they do not have a choice, they have been thrown on a path, at the end of that path, an act awaits them, their act.
My motivation to keep hiking was rooted in the magnificent details of the Appalachian Mountains, and the more I poured myself out - the more energy I gave the trail - the more it gave me in return.
 Jennifer Pharr Davis
All persons are puzzles until at last we find in some word or act the key to the man, to the woman; straightway all their past words and actions lie in light before us.
We all have reasons for moving. I move to keep things whole.
 Mark Strand
Acting is the most personal of our crafts. The make-up of a human being - his physical, mental and emotional habits - influence his acting to a much greater extent than commonly recognized.
 Lee Strasberg
You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.
You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.
Watching football is like watching pornography. There's plenty of action, and I can't take my eyes off it, but when it's over, I wonder why the hell I spent an afternoon doing it.
 Luke Salisbury
You will know the joy of action only when you are blissful by your own nature.
 Jaggi Vasudev
How can you fight someone you can't hit?
 Sergio Martinez
Words of encouragement fan the spark of genius into the flame of achievement. Legend tells us that Lincoln's dying mother called her small son to her bedside and whispered, 'Be somebody, Abe'.
 Wilferd Peterson
Do you depend on others for motivation - or can you motivate yourself?
 William Arthur Ward
The satisfaction of life May not be ours, But the beauty of hope Is all ours.
The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
Is it really so difficult to tell a good action from a bad one? I think one usually knows right away or a moment afterward, in a horrid flash of regret.
 Mary McCarthy
We must have a pure, honest, and warm-hearted motivation, and on top of that, determination, optimism, hope, and the ability not to be discouraged. The whole of humanity depends on this motivation.
We must have a pure, honest, and warm-hearted motivation, and on top of that, determination, optimism, hope, and the ability not to be discouraged. The whole of humanity depends on this motivation.
God discovers the martyr and confessor without the trial of flames and tortures, and will hereafter entitle many to the reward of actions which they had never the opportunity of performing.