Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 50

A leader must have knowledge. A leader must be able to teach.
A leader must have knowledge. A leader must be able to teach.
 W. Edwards Deming
I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.
 John D. Rockefeller
Actually, I invited many Commonwealth leaders to come to Malaysia. They did not accept my invitation. By that, I mean, they didn't say they didn't accept, but they just didn't come here.
 Mahathir Mohamad
I think this is a moment where Donald Trump recognized the Republican establishment was much weaker, the party leaders were much weaker than they thought they were in terms of being able to dictate any outcomes.
 Ben Domenech
Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge. Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation. Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence.
Only the mediocre die always at their best. Real leaders are always improving - and raising their bar on how superbly they can perform and how quickly they can move.
 Jean Giraudoux
There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud.
 Edward Kennedy
The past doesn't equal the future. All great leaders, all people who have achieved in any area of life, know the power of continuously pursuing their vision, even if all the details of how to achieve it aren't yet available
If I, the group leader, expect you, the group member, to be weak, then I elicit the weak part of you. If I expect you to be able to cope, I elicit your strength.
 William Schutz
A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player\'s personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team.
A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team.
 Pat Riley
When people can see which direction the leaders are going in it becomes easier to motivate them.
 Lakshmi Mittal
Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.
Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.
When leaders take back power, when they act as heroes and saviors, they end up exhausted, overwhelmed, and deeply stressed.
 Margaret J. Wheatley
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.
Excellence is not an accomplishment. It is a spirit, a never-ending process.
 Lawrence M. Miller
God didn't make you a leader to respond to stuff all day. He made you a leader to move things forward.
 Bill Hybels my book success and winning are not always the same thing. To me, success is playing - or working - to the best of your ability.
 Joe Torre
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.