Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 48

I love free trade, but we need great leadership to have real free trade. And we don\'t have good leadership. We have leadership that doesn\'t know what it\'s doing.
I love free trade, but we need great leadership to have real free trade. And we don't have good leadership. We have leadership that doesn't know what it's doing.
Assume responsibility for outcomes as well as for the processes and people you work with. How you achieve results will shape the kind of person you become.
 C. K. Prahalad
Great leaders have an ability, a characteristic of analyzing very good talent, and empowering that talent.
 Rick Perry
At some point in life's journey, professionally and personally, we have to be able to trust our preparation.
 Tony Dungy
Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.
People who add value to others do so intentionally. I say that because to add value, leaders must give of themselves, and that rarely occurs by accident.
It's no accident that most of the great black spokespersons and leaders understood the centrality of self-affirmation, self-respect and self-love.
I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.
 Charles R. Schwab
How could you have a soccer team if all were goalkeepers? How would it be an orchestra if all were French horns?
There is a direct correlation between the books you read and the success you achieve.
There is a direct correlation between the books you read and the success you achieve.
 David Cottrell
We know that leadership is very much related to change. As the pace of change accelerates, there is naturally a greater need for effective leadership.
 John P. Kotter
There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.
Teamwork was more accepted 40 years ago.
 Ken Olsen
But it would be absolutely mistaken to regard a wealth of theoretical knowledge as characteristic proof for the qualities and abilities of a leader.
No general can fight his battles alone. He must depend upon his lieutenants, and his success depends upon his ability to select the right man for the right place.
 Philip Danforth Armour
We remember Ronald Reagan as a man who maximized his gifts from an unknown to an actor to a Governor to the leader of the Free World.
 Richard Burr
Sanctions alone could not stop Iran's nuclear program. But they did help bring Iran to the negotiating table.
Only the person who does not evade conflict and directs his efforts in keeping with the course of society's development can be an effective leader.
 Georgi Plekhanov
I saw that leaders placed too much emphasis on what some call high level strategy, on intellectualizing and philosophizing, and not enough on implementation. People would agree on a project or initiative, and then nothing would come of it.
I saw that leaders placed too much emphasis on what some call high level strategy, on intellectualizing and philosophizing, and not enough on implementation. People would agree on a project or initiative, and then nothing would come of it.
 Lawrence Bossidy
I'm not under too much of an illusion of how smart or un-smart I am because filmmaking ultimately is about teamwork.
 Guy Ritchie