Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 44

Leaders may inspire, but only when the people decide to act does the leader\'s vision become a movement.
Leaders may inspire, but only when the people decide to act does the leader's vision become a movement.
Synergy does not mean giving up what we want. It means joining to co-create so each is able to receive ever more of what attracts us through joining rather than opposing.
 Barbara Marx Hubbard
the female view that one strengthens oneself by strengthening others is finding greater acceptance, and female values of inclusion and connection are emerging as valuable leadership qualities.
 Sally Helgesen
Most leaders would agree that they’d be better off having an average strategy with superb execution than a superb strategy with poor execution.  Those who execute always have the upper hand.
When I've seen an opportunity I haven't sat down and called a committee meeting, We've gone and done it.
 Fred Hollows
There have been repeated cases when nuclear war came ominously close, often a result of malfunctioning of early-warning systems and other accidents, sometimes [as a result of] highly adventurist acts of political leaders.
I'm not a natural leader. I'm too intellectual; I'm too abstract; I think too much.
A leader's attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions.
We have endorsements of our plan from key leaders within the environmental movement. That doesn't mean that it includes the whole environmental movement.
 Rachel Notley
We don\'t accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one\'s life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something.
We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something.
 Sandra Day O'Connor
I cannot claim to thoroughly enjoy coaching, because it is very hard work if you are even moderately conscientious. Nevertheless it does provide a degree of satisfaction - not to mention a steady income, which is why I do it occasionally.
 Nigel Short
Leaders develop their styles as they interact with their constituencies. They move toward the style that seems most effective in dealing with the mixture of elements that make up their constituencies.
 John W. Gardner
The most important thing as a leader is your relationship with God.
 Manny Pacquiao
A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
Big things are accomplished only through the perfection of minor details.
If you have something critical to sat to a player, preface it by saying something positive. That way when you get to the criticism, at least you know he'll be listening.
 Bud Grant
Leadership means setting an example. When you find yourself in a position of leadership, people follow your every move.
 Lee Iacocca
You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together.
The United States has renewed our leadership in the Asia-Pacific, prime Minister Abe is leading Japan to a new role on the world stage.
The United States has renewed our leadership in the Asia-Pacific, prime Minister Abe is leading Japan to a new role on the world stage.
 Shinzo Abe
One requirement to be used as a leader in a movement of revival: They must have the Spirit of God upon them.
 Jonathan Edwards