Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 37

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
 Warren G. Bennis
Standardized personalization=universal right to meaningful learning. Personalized standardization=flexible access to mandated learning.
 Andy Hargreaves
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.
 Daniel J. Boorstin
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success
Every great business leader I've ever met, in addition to being very smart, very driven, they have this, 'Why not me? Screw it, I deserve it, let's go.' And if you don't have that, you can't achieve greatness.
 Donny Deutsch
You need teamwork to achieve real success, and that attitude comes straight from soccer.
 Matt Bahr
President Bush has shown great leadership. He has said that the 21st century will not be ruled or dictated by terrorists, dictators, and murderers. He is absolutely right. God bless him for his resolve.
 Lindsey Graham
Part of the task of the leader is to make others participate in his leadership. The best leader knows how to make his followers actually feel power themselves, not merely acknowledge his power.
 Mary Parker Follett
There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.
 George Shinn
Faith in the ability of a leader is of slight service unless it be united 
with faith in his justice
Faith in the ability of a leader is of slight service unless it be united with faith in his justice
 George Washington Goethals
The best leader brings out the best in those he has stewardship over.
 J. Richard Clarke
President Reagan was a leader at a time when the American people most needed leadership. He outlined a vision that captured the imagination of the free world, a vision that toppled the Communist empire and freed countless millions.
 Dennis Hastert
We Americans are lucky to live in a country with a history full of noble ideas, great leaders and awe-inspiring accomplishments. Sadly, many of our elites want no part of it.
 Michael Barone
Always, in every human action, there are leaders.
 Vicente Fox
An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader's premier trait.
 Tom Peters
The morning I woke up and it was announced that Trump was the elected president of the United States, I wrote to Angela Merkel. I said that she - at least for me - is now the leader of the free world.
 Amos Oz
The best leaders are readers of people. They have the intuitive ability to understand others by discerning how they feel and recognizing what they sense.
The height of ability in the least able consists in knowing how to submit to the good leadership of others.
When a natural king becomes a titular king, every body is pleased and satisfied.
When a natural king becomes a titular king, every body is pleased and satisfied.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.