Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 28

A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him.
A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him.
In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to 'enter into evil.' This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired, and challenging. It is why we are drawn to him still.
 Michael A. Ledeen
Most of what I know about environmental conservation I learned from my father, who has been a leader within the movement for over 30 years.
 Edward Norton
Leaders, whether in the family, in business, in government, or in education, must not allow themselves to mistake intentions for accomplishments .
How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
 Francois Rabelais
I think that business leaders today have to be more rounded than they used to be, they have to be completely multi-functional and fast-moving.
 Stuart Rose
Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.
The ability to keep a cool head in an emergency, maintain poise in the midst of excitement, and to refuse to be stampeded are true marks of leadership.
 Robert R. Shannon
One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Professional/personal coaching addresses the whole person - with an emphasis on producing action and uncovering learning that can lead to more fulfillment, more balance, and a more effective process for living.
Professional/personal coaching addresses the whole person - with an emphasis on producing action and uncovering learning that can lead to more fulfillment, more balance, and a more effective process for living.
 Laura Whitworth
I try to help my athletes visualize their full potential, and then get out of the way as they achieve it.
 Pat Roberts
When you accepted your job, you were not chosen solely to fill a position on the organization chart; you were chosen to fill a responsibility.
 David Cottrell
Let him who would move and convince others, be first moved and convinced himself.
When a manager openly expresses his faith in an employee's skill, he doesn't just improve mood and motivation; he actually improves their likelihood of succeeding.
 Shawn Achor
Though leadership may be hard to define, the one characteristic common to all leaders is the ability to make things happen.
 Theodore Wilhelm Engstrom
I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction.
 Adolf Eichmann
Jesus Christ will be the leader of an intergalactic earth evacuation. We're getting some earth leaders up there to check the mother ship. The Bible says that the sky will be glorious and Christ will come back to us all.
 Nina Hagen
Me and Sandra are thoroughly satisfied customers as parents of kids who came through this Orange model.
 Andy Stanley
A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.
A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.
 Barney Frank
To achieve the impossible; it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.