Become a Great Leader: Quotes to Guide You - page 27
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.
Like everything else I teach in my coaching, staying in shape for me is about the little actions and changes in lifestyle that have a huge effect over time.
Matthew Hussey
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The reason why men do not obey us, is because they see the mud at the bottom of our eye.
Economic necessity should be the mother of educational invention
Andy Hargreaves
Leaders such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Franklin D. Roosevelt and others promulgated a vision and a moving story of how their people could achieve a great purpose.
Philip Kotler
The led must not be compelled; they must be able to choose their own leader.
It's not differences that divide us. It's our judgments about each other that do.
Margaret J. Wheatley
It takes more than a busy church, a friendly church, or even an evangelical church to impact a community for Christ. It must be a church ablaze, led by leaders who are ablaze for God.
Wesley L Duewel
[ Rajiv Gandhi] was such an infinitely more attractive leader than his mother.
Bob Hawke
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
High performance leaders capitalize on crises to galvanize the motivation and actions of people in the organization.
Andy Hargreaves
Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.
There are many reasons for why a man does what de does. To be himself he must be able to give it all. If a leader cannot give it all he cannot expect his people to give anything.
Cesar Chavez
Leaders who fail to appreciate this fundamental precept of accountability must also fail to muster the profound commitment true leadership demands.
Peter Cosgrove
Leadership is an elusive concept, hard to describe and impossible to prescribe. It is more evident in its absence, so that when leadership is needed, its lack is sorely felt.
Patrick Dodson
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Just expressing contempt for your leaders doesn't really accomplish anything.
Harold Ramis