Quotes Laozi - page 5

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Who is unhappy with little, won\'t be with much; who doesn\'t appreciate the small won\'t be able to take care of the large; who doesn\'t have enough with enough is at the margin or virtue, for the physical body lives from one day to another and if it gets what it really needs, there will be time for meditation, as long as if we try to give it everything it desires, endless will be the task.
Who is unhappy with little, won't be with much; who doesn't appreciate the small won't be able to take care of the large; who doesn't have enough with enough is at the margin or virtue, for the physical body lives from one day to another and if it gets what it really needs, there will be time for meditation, as long as if we try to give it everything it desires, endless will be the task.
The reason why rivers and seas are able to be lords over a hundred mountain streams, is that they know how to keep below them. That is why they are able to reign over all the mountain streams.
He who is able to conquer others is powerful; he who is able to conquer himself is more powerful.
Governing a large country is like frying a small fish. You spoil it with too much poking. Center your country in the Tao and evil will have no power. Not that it isn't there, but you'll be able to step out of its way. Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself.
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The most able seems clumsy.
Keeping plenty of gold and jade in the palace makes no one able to defend it.
The Master doesn't seek fulfillment. For only those who are not full are able to be used which brings the feeling of completeness.
The more you know the less you understand.
Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Be still and allow the mud to settle.
He who possess virtue in abundance may be compared to an infant.
He who possess virtue in abundance may be compared to an infant.
The Way is empty, yet inexhaustible, like an abyss!
A tree that is unbending, is easily broken.
Yielding is the way of the Tao.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.
Geese are white, crows are black. No argument will change this.
By letting go, it all gets done.
Simply see that you are at the center of the universe, and accept all things and beings as parts of your infinite body. When you perceive that an act done to another is done to yourself, you have understood the great truth.
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To know how little one knows is to have genuine knowledge. Not to know how little one knows is to be deluded. Only those who know when they are deluded can free themselves from such delusion. The intelligent people are not deluded, because they know and accept their ignorance as ignorance, and thereby have genuine knowledge.
To know how little one knows is to have genuine knowledge. Not to know how little one knows is to be deluded. Only those who know when they are deluded can free themselves from such delusion. The intelligent people are not deluded, because they know and accept their ignorance as ignorance, and thereby have genuine knowledge.
When you accept yourself, the Universe accepts you.