Insightful Knowledge Quotes to Expand Your Mind - page 177

Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. Therefore learning is a hidden treasure.
Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. Therefore learning is a hidden treasure.
A job is how you make money. A career is how you make your mark. A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be.
None of our prayers should ever be petitions for our own needs: for this is only another subtle way of trying to put ourselves on the same plane as God — acting as if we had no needs, as if we were not creatures, not dependent on Him.
You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best.  You want to be considered the only one who does what you do.
 Jerry Garcia
A question I’ve thought about a great deal is why it is so much easier to write about the things we dislike/hate/acknowledge to be flawed than the things we love.
 Gabrielle Zevin
Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil.
Chiropractors correct abnormalities of the intellect as well as those of the body.
 Daniel D. Palmer
Listening is understanding. The skill of empathy is a must to be able to listen...One can listen better if one sees the whole.
 Bill Drayton
Give the public everything you can give them, keep the place as clean as you can keep it, keep it friendly.
As far as me knowing if Frank was a genius - in those days, I thought Einstein was the only genius around.
As far as me knowing if Frank was a genius - in those days, I thought Einstein was the only genius around.
 Jimmy Carl Black
Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.
Everything is a state of mind. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and develop psychic perceptions.
Sincerity is the way of Heaven. The attainment of sincerity is the way of men.
You have to perform to the best of your ability, and if you have to argue stringently, if you have to persist and to state your case strongly, then you do it.
 Bronwyn Bishop
Power is a thing of perception. They don't need to be able to kill you. They just need you to think they are able to kill you
Accept who you are; and revel in it.
When mundane, lowly activities are at stake, too much insight is detrimental — far-sightedness errs in immediate concerns.
 Franz Grillparzer
I have learnt that I am me, that I can do the things that, as one might put it, me can do, but I cannot do the things that me would like to do.
Personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a checklist of acquisition. Your qualifications are not your life.
Personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a checklist of acquisition. Your qualifications are not your life.
I loved being asked 2,000 questions a day, storyboarding every move, knowing as though by instinct exactly where the camera had to be, because it was my story.
 Richard E. Grant