Insightful Knowledge Quotes to Expand Your Mind - page 174

It has become almost a cliché to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.
It has become almost a cliché to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.
Index-learning turns no student pale, Yet holds the eel of Science by the tail. Index-learning is a term used to mock pretenders who acquire superficial knowledge merely by consulting indexes.
With pride, there are many curses. With humility, there come many blessings.
I want to make portraits and images. I don't know how. Out of despair, I just use paint anyway. Suddenly the things you make coagulate and take on just the shape you intend. Totally accurate marks, which are outside representational marks.
If you would have the slave show the virtues of the freeman, you must first make him free.
 Henry George
If you need to know history, the real story of those before you, then you should go to the library and read newspaper clippings of someone like Muhammad Ali every day, then it might giver you some understanding of the man.
 Alex Haley
See that your children are properly educated in the rudiments of their mother tongue, and then let them proceed to higher branches of learning.
 Brigham Young
My mother was a first-grade teacher, so I credit her with this lifelong intellectual curiosity I have, and love of reading and learning.
 Chesley Sullenberger
Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart.
 Phil Jackson
Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.
Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.
The present is the past rolled up for action, and the past is the present unrolled for understanding.
 Ariel Durant
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure.
I think it's difficult for young people to acknowledge being smart, to knowledge being a reader. I see kids who are embarrassed to read books. They're embarrassed to have people see them doing it.
 Walter Dean Myers
Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct form ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.
Those who have not distinguished themselves at school need not on that account be discouraged. the greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quickest.
 John Lubbock
He who cheats with an oath acknowledges that he is afraid of his enemy, but that he thinks little of God.
People are often shy to acknowledge that they are Bengalis. They somehow take pride in saying that they cannot speak or read the language.
 Mithun Chakraborty
I have a fairly adequate knowledge of Satanic forces.
 James Dean
When we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must have trust in him. We must trust him enough that we are content to accept his will, knowing that he knows what is best for us.
When we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must have trust in him. We must trust him enough that we are content to accept his will, knowing that he knows what is best for us.
 Dallin H. Oaks
Intelligence is not to make no mistakes, but quickly to see how to make them good.
 Bertolt Brecht