Insightful Knowledge Quotes to Expand Your Mind - page 170

No one over thirty-five is worth meeting who has not something to teach us, something more than we could learn for ourselves, from a book.
No one over thirty-five is worth meeting who has not something to teach us, something more than we could learn for ourselves, from a book.
 Cyril Connolly
The point is to explore whatever may be helpful for thinking, understanding, and acting responsibly over long periods of time.
 Stewart Brand
Literature acknowledges that life is complicated.
A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.
To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it.
The Church therefore has one inescapable task: To lift up Christ. When she seeks to lift herself up she becomes weak, but when she acknowledges her own weakness and proclaims her Lord, she is strong.
 Avery Dulles
Sarcasm is an abuse of the intellect.
 Hazrat Inayat Khan
Unless you point to the good news of God's grace people will not be able to bear the bad news of God's judgement.
You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect.
 Nirmala Srivastava
I wanted to acknowledge my U.S. heritage and to belong to it more closely. Having said that I am certainly British by formation and education and readily think of London as home. I had never lived in the U.S. till 2007.
I wanted to acknowledge my U.S. heritage and to belong to it more closely. Having said that I am certainly British by formation and education and readily think of London as home. I had never lived in the U.S. till 2007.
 Jamie Bamber
To accomplish artistic work, of any individual worth, nature must be seen through the medium of the artist's intellectual emotions.
 Gertrude Kasebier
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
I like to bless people and do things without the world knowing about it, because I'm not in it for the glory. I do it because it comes from my heart. As long as I keep doing that, I'm satisfied.
 Adrian Peterson
The costs savings was a big win, but now we also have a schedule of events and are clearly aware of when our contracts begin and end...we are much more strategic about how we source now.
 Jason Kennedy
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.
 George MacDonald
And in this passion for understanding her soul lay close to his; she had him all to herself. But he must be made abstract first.
To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it.
If you want to go east, don\'t go west.
If you want to go east, don't go west.
I'm more interested in knowing my cues than my lines. If you know what your cues are, then you know what your reaction is going to be to them. Acting is about reacting, and if I can kind of purely react, that's easier for me.
 Stephen Root