Insightful Knowledge Quotes to Expand Your Mind - page 153

You\'re no longer fighting God, trying to make Him do what you want. You\'re accepting what happens, and your main prayer transforms into one that asks God for nothing more than understanding and perhaps strength to endure.
You're no longer fighting God, trying to make Him do what you want. You're accepting what happens, and your main prayer transforms into one that asks God for nothing more than understanding and perhaps strength to endure.
 Amy Welborn
Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there at the sandpile at Sunday School.
 Robert Fulghum
Ninety percent of all human wisdom is the ability to mind your own business.
We've got to start thinking of school as a lifelong process. That's the only way we'll keep abreast and be able to share in the wealth of the new "knowledge society.
 Price Pritchett
Ex oriente lux may still be the motto of scholars, for the Western world has not yet derived from the East all the light which itis destined to receive thence.
Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.
The results speak for themselves: Businesses that competitively sourced service contracts saved an average of about 22 percent. Even more impressive - nearly every e-auction delivered cost savings.
 Brian Miller
This is faith, receiving the truth of Christ; first knowing it to be true, and then acting upon that belief.
There's something undeniable about the posture of a person trying not to acknowledge your existance
The grace of God reaches to the furthest extent to those who are prepared to acknowledge their need.
The grace of God reaches to the furthest extent to those who are prepared to acknowledge their need.
 Alistair Begg
The national school is not a lecture hall or a library. Its schooling consists chiefly in experimental collective action aimed at the realization of a collective purpose.
 Herbert Croly
I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science.
 Wernher von Braun
The enormity of the universe revealed by science cannot readily be grasped by the human brain, but the music of The Planets enables the mind to acquire some comprehension of the vastness of space where rational understanding fails.
 Gustav Holst
Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences.
 Galileo Galilei
Oh my God, I'm not anorexic. I acknowledge that I look thin in photos. I get it.
 Tori Spelling
Being called Black in America is the struggle to keep us moving and breathing over bloody water. Being a Nig**r or [Ni**a] without the context of history is like drowning in bloody water, dragging down those yet knowing to swim.
 Chuck D
This is not the time to shrink back in fear. Move forward in faith. Get up every morning knowing you are gifted.
The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove oneself a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it be obeyed.
 Nathaniel Hawthorne
We must acknowledge that bearing and raising children is not some pesky, peripheral activity that we engage in, but the whole point.
We must acknowledge that bearing and raising children is not some pesky, peripheral activity that we engage in, but the whole point.
 Susan Maushart
I think over time you learn to know a bit more about yourself - you develop a certain amount of self-insight and self-awareness, and you know what you can absorb, and what you cannot; what gets to you and what doesn't.