Insightful Knowledge Quotes to Expand Your Mind - page 105

The intellectual is engage-he is pledged, committed, enlisted. What everyone else is willing to admit, namely that ideas and abstractions are of signal importance in human life, he imperatively feels.
The intellectual is engage-he is pledged, committed, enlisted. What everyone else is willing to admit, namely that ideas and abstractions are of signal importance in human life, he imperatively feels.
 Richard Hofstadter
True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.
I try not to focus on the gender issue too much but I think you have to acknowledge it in order for it to go away.
 Emily Haines
There is a certain amount of dissatisfaction that goes with knowing your time, talent and abilities are not being properly used.
The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character.
Long enough I had heard of irrelevant things; now at length I was glad to make acquaintance with the light that dwells in rotten wood. Where is all your knowledge gone to? It evaporates completely, for it has no depth.
I'm greedy for that satisfaction of doing something hard and knowing that, even though I was afraid I couldn't do it, that somehow I can deliver.
 Alan Alda
A satirist, often in danger himself, has the bravery of knowing that to withhold wit's conjecture is to endanger the species.
 Penelope Gilliatt
If people can\'t acknowledge the wisdom of indigenous cultures, then that\'s their loss.
If people can't acknowledge the wisdom of indigenous cultures, then that's their loss.
 Jay Griffiths
Every individual is representative of the whole . . . and should be intimately understood, and this would give a far greater understanding of mass movements and sociology.
If thou wouldst be justified, acknowledge thine injustice. He that confesses his sin, begins his journey toward salvation. He that is sorry for it, mends his pace. He that forsakes it, is at his journey's end.
 Francis Quarles
Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although frequently neither acknowledges the fact to himself.
 Mikhail Lermontov
He had risked his freedom and his pride to buy her this, to acknowledge that part of her that everyone else seemed to want to get rid of.
 Christopher Moore
Any education that matters is liberal. All the saving truths, all the healing graces that distinguish a good education from a bad one or a full education from a half empty one are contained in that word.
 Alan K. Simpson
Actions that sometimes seem mean aren’t. Rather they are done by the ones we love in order to protect us without our knowing it. (Acheron)
It is all too easy for a society to measure itself against some abstract philosophical principle or political slogan. But in the end, there must remain the question: What kind of life is one society providing to the people that live in it?
 Hubert H. Humphrey
To date, the enterprise of thinking has moved us radically away from understanding anything.
We don\'t have in our culture a healthy understanding and respect for the value of Being, which is simply being present in the moment, not trying to go somewhere, not trying to accomplish anything but, just present.
We don't have in our culture a healthy understanding and respect for the value of Being, which is simply being present in the moment, not trying to go somewhere, not trying to accomplish anything but, just present.
 Shakti Gawain
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.