Quotes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - page 3
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Accepting good advice means nothing other than to strengthen one's own ability.
It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.
People of uncommon abilities generally fall into eccentricities when their sphere of life is not adequate to their abilities.
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Desire is the presentiment of our inner abilities, and the forerunner of our ultimate accomplishments.
To accept good advice is but to increase one's own ability.
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.
Everything is hard before it is easy.
If your treat an individual... as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him.
The connoisseur of art must be able to appreciate what is simply beautiful, but the common run of people is satisfied with ornament.
All of us, just because we are able to talk, also believe we are able to talk about language.
Reason looks at necessity as the basis of the world; reason is able to turn chance in your favor and use it. Only by having reasonremain strong and unshakable can we be called a god of the earth.
Character, in great and little things, means carrying through what you feel able to do.
For many people, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not being able to understand other people's behavior.
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True observers of nature, although they may think differently, will still agree that everything that is, everything that is observable as a phenomenon, can only exhibit itself in one of two ways. It is either a primal polarity that is able to unify, or it is a primal unity that is able to divide. The operation of nature consists of splitting the united or uniting the divided; this is the eternal movement of systole and diastole of the heartbeat, the inhalation and exhalation of the world in which we live, act, and exist.