It's not like I was trying to ...

It's not like I was trying to be sexy but I had to get fit because I had to be able to do stunts. Also I wanted that, if Bond took his clothes off, he looked like a man who did what he did, which was kill people for a living. I thought the only way to do that was to work out and get fit and buff and get physically into shape.
 Daniel Craig

Quotes from the same author

My mother gave me a real kick toward cooking, which was that if I wanted to eat, I'd better know how to do it myself.
 Daniel Craig
He knows that you have ability and what he does is he manipulates it and sort of empowers you.
 Daniel Craig
If money comes along I will take it. I just want good scripts that try to make you think. I've been offered lots of money in the past but I just know that I would abuse it and get drunk.
 Daniel Craig
I never really had a strong accent.
 Daniel Craig
Although I'm not from London originally: I moved down here when I was 16, so it's played a part in my life. It's where I've lived for all that time.
 Daniel Craig