It's no fun to be yellow. ...

It's no fun to be yellow. Maybe I'm not all yellow. I don't know. I think maybe I'm just partly yellow and partly the type that doesn't give much of a damn if they lose their gloves. One of my troubles is, I never care too much when I lose something - it used to drive mother crazy when I was a kid. Some guys spend days looking for something they've lost. I never seem to have anything that if I lost it I'd care too much. Maybe that's why I'm partly yellow. It's no excuse, though. It really isn't. What you should be is not yellow at all.
 J. D. Salinger

Quotes from the same author

Mothers are all slightly insane.
 J. D. Salinger
Listen," he said. "If you was a fish, Mother Nature'd take care of you, wouldn't she? Right? You don't think them fish just die when it gets to be winter, do ya?" No, but--" You're goddam right they don't
 J. D. Salinger
You can hit my father over the head with a chair and he won't wake up, but my mother, all you have to do to my mother is cough somewhere in Siberia and she'll hear you.
 J. D. Salinger
But you can't always tell - with somebody's mother, I mean. Mothers are all slightly insane.
 J. D. Salinger
All mothers are slightly insane.
 J. D. Salinger