It's kind of liberating to be ...

It's kind of liberating to be able to bring your own ideas to things, but it's also a lot of pressure, it's like screenwriting on your feet.
 John C. Reilly

Quotes from the same author

I was more like a middle child. My youngest brother was the baby, so he got all the attention that the baby gets. And my older brothers were getting into so much trouble that I was left in the middle, doing plays. I was up to no good, but my mother didn't know it!
 John C. Reilly
I'm aware of how lucky I am. Being able to make pretty good money, and get to do a lot of fun work, and at the same time I'm not besieged by photographers.
 John C. Reilly
I like people who are able to keep pushing themselves and challenging themselves even after great success.
 John C. Reilly
Movies are this thing that came into my life, and it still feels pretend in some way. I kind of do this thing, and I never really accepted this idea that I'm a film actor. That's what I do. I feel like I'm a theater actor that started doing films. Most people have never seen me in a play. They're fun, though.
 John C. Reilly
The less people know about me in reality, the more they can accept of me as a character.
 John C. Reilly