It's a fairly accurate ...

It\'s a fairly accurate portrait of me at eighteen, minus a few quirks like reckless driving and eating binges. It\'s accurate but it isn\'t profound.
It's a fairly accurate portrait of me at eighteen, minus a few quirks like reckless driving and eating binges. It's accurate but it isn't profound.
 Susanna Kaysen

More phrases

Don't settle in the land of barely enough. That is where you are, it is not who you are. That's your location, it's not your identity. No matter what it looks like, have an abundant mentality.
You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God, impacts the world, and satisfies your own soul. I believe that-and I want you to believe it, too.
 David Jeremiah
We all have different athletic strengths, but I bring a mentality, a physical toughness, an attitude, that they do not have, that helps me with the athleticism.
 Arthur Jones
I think confidence is very important, as well as a positive attitude; you should never give up; just maintain a positive mentality whenever you perform; you should go for it.
 Jasmine Trias
Sixteen years I've pounded my head against the mentality of America, which...I'd say it's about an 8th grade emotional level.
 Bill Hicks

Quotes from the same author

This clarity made me able to behave normally, which posed some interesting questions. Was everybody seeing this stuff and acting as though they weren't? Was insanity just a matter of dropping the act? If some people didn't see these things, what was the matter with them? Were they blind or something? These questions had me unsettled.
 Susanna Kaysen
It's one of the reasons I became a writer, to be able to smoke in peace.
 Susanna Kaysen
Confuse was the nurses' word for abuse.
 Susanna Kaysen
And this was the main precondition, that anything might be something else. Once I'd accepted that, it followed that I might be mad, or that someone might think me mad. How could I say for certain that I wasn't, if I couldn't say for certain that a curtain wasn't a mountain range?
 Susanna Kaysen
Twenty aspirin, a little slit alongside the veins of the arm, maybe even a bad half hour standing on a roof: We've all had those. And somewhat more dangerous things, like putting a gun in your mouth. But you put it there, you taste it, it's cold and greasy, your finger is on the trigger, and you find that a whole world lies between this moment and the moment you've been planning, when you'll pull the trigger. That world defeats you. You put the gun back in the drawer. You'll have to find another way.
 Susanna Kaysen