It makes me hate accepting ...

It makes me hate accepting things that are probable when they are held up before me as infallibly true. I prefer these words which tone down and modify the hastiness of our propositions: \
It makes me hate accepting things that are probable when they are held up before me as infallibly true. I prefer these words which tone down and modify the hastiness of our propositions: "Perhaps, In some sort, Some, They say, I think," and the like.

Quotes from the same author

I care not so much what I am to others as what I am to myself. I will be rich by myself, and not by borrowing.
If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.
The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness.
The most unhappy and frail creatures are men and yet they are the proudest.
It is much more easy to accuse the one sex than to excuse the other.