It is national parliaments, ...

It is national parliaments, which are, and will remain, the true source of real democratic legitimacy and accountability in the EU.
It is national parliaments, which are, and will remain, the true source of real democratic legitimacy and accountability in the EU.
 David Cameron

More phrases

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.
I was constantly told and challenged to live my life as a warrior. As a warrior, you assume responsibility for yourself. The warrior humbles himself. And the warrior learns the power of giving.
 Billy Mills
A warrior takes responsibility for his acts, for the most trivial of acts. An average man acts out his thoughts, and never takes responsibility for what he does.
I developed the concept of the Happy Warrior as a rallying cry for those of us who want to restore America to its great foundational principles: individual freedom, personal responsibility, fiscal restraint, and economic liberty.
 Monica Crowley
THE PATH OF PEACE is exceedingly vast, reflecting the grand design of the hidden and manifest worlds. A warrior is a living shrine of the divine, one who serves that grand purpose.
 Morihei Ueshiba

Quotes from the same author

The legacy of Mandela is to have brought the country together... South Africa can be one of the success stories of the 21st century.
 David Cameron
After the Berlin Wall came down I visited that city and I will never forget it. The abandoned checkpoints. The sense of excitement about the future. The knowledge that a great continent was coming together. Healing those wounds of our history is the central story of the European Union.
 David Cameron
Our participation in the single market, and our ability to help set its rules is the principal reason for our membership of the EU. So it is a vital interest for us to protect the integrity and fairness of the single market for all its members.
 David Cameron
I like democracy. I like to be able to throw out my political leaders when they get things wrong, and we don't get to do that with Brussels.
 David Cameron
The EU must be able to act with the speed and flexibility of a network, not the cumbersome rigidity of a bloc.
 David Cameron