Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 51

Whatever you\'re thinking about, you will attract.
Whatever you're thinking about, you will attract.
It's the same thing: I would think, "If I can't go out and pull some teenager tonight, maybe I'm no good on stage anymore." And you start to think that you even need it as a motivation. I did, anyway.
 Iggy Pop
Your work is your own private megaphone to tell the world what you believe.
My primary motivation for writing is to communicate my perceptions and insights into the human condition, in a way that may provide understanding, comfort, and company to others.
 Vanna Bonta
Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
 Francis of Assisi
[Our lab uses] a desktop inkjet printer, but instead of using ink, we're using cells.
 Anthony Atala
You can never get ahead by trying to get even.
Art is only a way of expressing pain.
No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
People behave more on the basis of how they feel than how they think; unless there are good feelings between people, it is almost impossible to reason intelligently.
People behave more on the basis of how they feel than how they think; unless there are good feelings between people, it is almost impossible to reason intelligently.
I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'
Fall forward, in your failing, and rise up with a soul on fire!
 Michael Beckwith
The first follower is actually an underestimated form of leadership in itself. … The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader.
 Derek Sivers
Amir Khan will come back and he will win back the world title because I know the guy personally, and I know what he's made off. There's no quit in this guy.
 David Haye
Motivation is when you get hold of an idea and carry it through to its conclusion, inspiration is the reverse. An idea gets hold of you and carries you where you are intended to go.
Goals may cause systematic problems for organizations due to narrowed focus, unethical behavior, increased risk taking, decreased cooperation, and decreased intrinsic motivation. Use care when applying goals in your organization.
 Daniel H. Pink
My own dreams fortunately came true in this great state. I became Mr. Universe; I became a successful businessman. And even though some people say I still speak with a slight accent, I have reached the top of the acting profession.
Motivation fuels the attitude that builds the Confidence necessary to sustain the Persistence.
People have accepted the media\'s idea of what feminism is, but that doesn\'t mean that it\'s right or true or real. Feminism is not monolithic. Within feminism, there is an array of opinions.
People have accepted the media's idea of what feminism is, but that doesn't mean that it's right or true or real. Feminism is not monolithic. Within feminism, there is an array of opinions.
 Judy Chicago
One of the factors that still keeps me in the studio is that every so often I have to more or less start all over.
 Bruce Nauman