Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 225

Boxing is an all year round sport. You never know when they\'re going to call you, so you got to stay ready.
Boxing is an all year round sport. You never know when they're going to call you, so you got to stay ready.
 Adrien Broner
I was very fortunate to be able to go to school and university, because many people our age couldn't complete school. This gift of education must be used in whatever ways we can to uplift the people.
 Thabo Mbeki
I'll beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on.
Men sometimes have strange motives for the things they do.
 Michael Reeves
My birthday was Monday, now I finally get to go home and enjoy it with some Burger King. Here I come baby! Burger King! Burger King!
 James Toney
A boo is a lot louder than a cheer.
 Lance Armstrong
My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.
 Michael J. Fox
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.
I love the big fights. Obviously you can't fight just for the money but the money is nice.
 Joe Calzaghe
Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves you.
Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves you.
Do what you gotta do so you can do what you wanna do.
 Denzel Washington
You don't have to specialize - do everything that you love and then, at some time, the future will come together for you in some form.
 Francis Ford Coppola
I was one of those kids that was always picked on but, one thing I gotta say it that no matter how bad your life gets, there's always a bright light out there and you gotta find it.
 Nonito Donaire
The kindness of strangers and the support of the international community are truly the rays of hope we North Korean people need.
 Lee Hyeon-seo
It is not the being seen of men that is wrong, but doing these things for the purpose of being seen of men. The problem with the hypocrite is his motivation.
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster.
 Rosabeth Moss Kanter
A true man never frets about his place in the world, but just slides into it by the gravitation of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star.
 Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Laws should be like clothes. They should be made to fit the people they are meant to serve.
Laws should be like clothes. They should be made to fit the people they are meant to serve.
 Clarence Darrow
Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.