Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 195

My dad always had this little sign on his desk: \'The bigger your head is, the easier your shoes are to fill\'. He really drilled that in.
My dad always had this little sign on his desk: 'The bigger your head is, the easier your shoes are to fill'. He really drilled that in.
 Phil Jackson
He was a man too busy to flush toilets.
 Mona Simpson
Nobody's free until everybody's free.
 Fannie Lou Hamer
A young pianist & composer who has demonstrated an exceptional creativity, in both his playing & his writing, as well as showing us all, his very strong commitment & motivation to aim for high musical goals. Talent like his is rare.
 Steve Lacy
I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.
What you pay attention to grows. Pay attention to your loveliness, your magnificent self. Begin now.
 Geneen Roth
The past is your LESSON. The present is your GIFT. The future is your MOTIVATION.
You can still entertain without getting a knockout.
 Andre Ward
An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart.
 David W Augsburger
I would only spend a week or two in the Philippines, most probably the week during my birthday because I am planning to give away Christmas gifts to the poor people of General Santos just like what I did last year.
I would only spend a week or two in the Philippines, most probably the week during my birthday because I am planning to give away Christmas gifts to the poor people of General Santos just like what I did last year.
 Manny Pacquiao
I don't have the hard everyday life that so many working mothers face.
 Heidi Klum
Repetition may not entertain, but it teaches.
 Frederic Bastiat
If you can't run, you crawl. If you can't crawl-- you find someone to carry you.
 Joss Whedon
You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being prepared for great achievement.
Have fun, because that's what life is all about.
 Ryan Lochte
The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.
The Klit brothers should first fight each other, and the winner should fight me.
 David Haye
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Hope is sweet. Hope is illumining. Hope is fulfilling. Hope can be everlasting. Therefore, do not give up hope, Even in the sunset of your life.
Hope is sweet. Hope is illumining. Hope is fulfilling. Hope can be everlasting. Therefore, do not give up hope, Even in the sunset of your life.
Until Christ is our treasure, any other motivation we have to suffer for him is a fool’s errand.
 Matt Chandler