Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 166

I can cook; but not well. I figure I have six years until my children discover what their friends\' mothers make for dinner.
I can cook; but not well. I figure I have six years until my children discover what their friends' mothers make for dinner.
 Jane Pauley
You have to be going somewhere to have the energy you need to get there.
 Mehmet Oz
To meet somebody who's able to harness the level of courage it takes to walk away and to choose your own life and your own health, the well-being of your family, is really inspiring.
 Kerry Washington
Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Action leads to results.
 T. Harv Eker
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.
Belief is the natural state of things. It is the default option. We just believe. We believe all sorts of things. Belief is natural; disbelief, skepticism, science, is not natural.
 Michael Shermer
My father and I, we finally saw each other eye to eye and I think he's seeing me as a man, and I'm seeing him as the father he's always been.
 Nonito Donaire
You can accomplish so much with a strong will. Just do your best, no matter what. Don't let negative thoughts creep in. Don't talk yourself out of anything.
 Rebecca Twigg
People are like sticks of dynamite. The power is on the inside, but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.
 Mac Anderson
Try and fail, but never fail to try!
Try and fail, but never fail to try!
Blessings come in disguise. And challenges can be a blessing.
 Diane Lane
I grew up with all mothers, all women. I come from a long line of matriarchs, very strong women.
 Erykah Badu
The greatest happiness is to transform one's feelings into action.
 Madame de Stael
'All men are created equal', 'government by consent of the governed', 'give me liberty or give me death'. Well, those are not just clever words, or those are not just empty theories.
Opportunities Don't Come Knocking On The Door. They Present Themselves When You Knock The Door Down!
 Greg Plitt
One of the chief motives of artistic creation is certainly the need of feeling that we are essential in relationship to the world.
Suppose the world were only one of God's jokes, would you work any the less to make it a good joke instead of a bad one?
It's never too late, for with a purpose, a worthy goal and a motivation to reach those upper layers on the pyramid, a person can travel further in a few years than he might otherwise travel in a lifetime.
 Earl Nightingale
What kind of man would live a life without daring? Is life so sweet that we
should criticize men that seek adventure? Is there a better way to die?
What kind of man would live a life without daring? Is life so sweet that we should criticize men that seek adventure? Is there a better way to die?
 Charles Lindbergh
He is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. I have watched Lord of the Rings and films with strange looking people, but for a human being to look like he does is pretty shocking.
 David Haye