Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 142

If we fail to act, we will end up with a different planet.
If we fail to act, we will end up with a different planet.
 James Hansen
If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
 Herschel Walker
I never listen that you can't.
Get Julian Jackson in here baby!...Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that's all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!
 James Toney
Conflict cannot survive without your participation.
Every one minute you spend in planning will save you at least three minutes in execution.
 Crawford Greenewalt
I decided that I was going to go to the Olympics to see if I had made the right decision to retire because I knew that if I'd made the mistake of retiring I would know during and after those Games in Athens.
 Cathy Freeman
I've got no aspirations to become an A-list celebrity.
 Carl Froch
I was concerned about them. I mean, it feels good but I was concerned about them.
 Roy Jones Jr.
I cannot afford to waste my time making money
I cannot afford to waste my time making money
 Louis Agassiz
The question, 'Why does she stay?' is code for some people for, 'It's her fault for staying,' as if [domestic violence] victims intentionally choose to fall in love with men intent upon destroying us.
 Leslie Morgan Steiner
If you can accept losing, you can't win.
Turn your wounds into wisdom.
This season isn't going to be without several crises. There's no doubt about it. They're coming.
 Bill Parcells
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
I want to be motivational and inspirational for everybody: my big aim is more women on bicycles.
 Marianne Vos
It's not where you start but where you finish.
 April Heinrichs
Sometimes you just have to jump off the cliff without knowing where you will land.
 Zainab Salbi
The world will belong to passionate, driven leaders - people who not only have enormous amounts of energy, but who can energize those whom they lead.
The world will belong to passionate, driven leaders - people who not only have enormous amounts of energy, but who can energize those whom they lead.
 Jack Welch
Children are all foreigners.