Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 133

I had to spend countless hours, above and beyond the basic time, to try and perfect the fundamentals.
I had to spend countless hours, above and beyond the basic time, to try and perfect the fundamentals.
 Julius Erving
I have had work or ideas come through me from a source that I honestly cannot identify. And what is that thing? And how are we to relate to it in a way that will not make us lose our minds, but, in fact, might actually keep us sane?
Worry is focused thinking on something negative. Meditation is doing the same thing only focusing on God's word instead of your problem.
Put all your soul into it, play the way you feel!
 Frederic Chopin
You have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get.
 Robert Collier
I've always been fortunate in that I've been able to put myself in my own zone and relax. It comes naturally. I'm lucky to be that way
 Michael Phelps
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live.
 Anne Sweeney
All good thoughts and ideas mean nothing without action
Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work - and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't.
 Lucille Ball
A man\'s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.
A man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.
 John Foster Dulles
I define discipline as the ability to make + keep promises and to honor commitments.
I created Punk for this day and age. Do you see Britney walking around wearing ties and singing punk? Hell no. That's what I do. I'm like a Sid Vicious for a new generation.
 Avril Lavigne
The most prepared are the most dedicated.
 Raymond Berry
Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers.
 Rosie O'Donnell
A good goal is like a strenuous exercise - it makes you stretch.
 Mary Kay Ash
The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree.
 Thomas Campbell
All growth depends upon activity.
Life is a mission, not a career.
There is no value-judgment more important to a man--no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation--than the estimate he passes on himself.
There is no value-judgment more important to a man--no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation--than the estimate he passes on himself.
 Nathaniel Branden
Life is not about discovering our talents; it is about pushing our talents to the limit and discovering our genius.