Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 125

Chavez will hit the canvas. He will be sitting in his corner, or with the doctor or referee stopping the fight. There\'s no other outcome.
Chavez will hit the canvas. He will be sitting in his corner, or with the doctor or referee stopping the fight. There's no other outcome.
 Sergio Martinez
Winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've ever done before.
 Bonnie Blair
Each new day beckons you to walk on the road of self-transcendence. We transcend ourselves, we do not compete with others. We compete only with our previous achievements, and we get joy. Life is nothing but a perpetual possibility.
Start your child's day with love and encouragement and end the day the same way.
Each individual woman's body demands to be accepted on its own terms.
Economics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions.
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.
Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals.
 Dorothy Height
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.
It\'s not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to our program. It\'s my job not to de-motivate them.
It's not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to our program. It's my job not to de-motivate them.
 Lou Holtz
The harder I work the more I live.
I don't care where people come from. It is not important to me. If you are good people will like you, if you're not, they won't. It is simple.
 Wladimir Klitschko
The referee jumped in too late in my opinion. He's the champion and he's got to be given every chance, but a lot of people was wincing and cringing seeing the finish cos his head is bouncing all over the place.
 Carl Froch
The worst that could happen is I lose my company and go back to being a waitress. I don't think money's a great aspiration for a lot of people that succeed. They they have other motivations that turn them on. And money was not one of mine.
 Barbara Corcoran
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation - a force for construction and destruction.
 Jonathan Haidt
We live in a society where we basically live and strive on what people think about us. We’re more visual people so what we see is basically what we believe which is not necessarily true.
How am I to know what I can achieve if I quit?
 Jason Bishop
Most leaders would agree that they’d be better off having an average strategy with superb execution than a superb strategy with poor execution.  Those who execute always have the upper hand.
Most leaders would agree that they’d be better off having an average strategy with superb execution than a superb strategy with poor execution.  Those who execute always have the upper hand.
Don't wait. The time will never be just right.