Find Your Daily Dose of Inspiration: Quotes to Lift Your Spirit - page 101

When going for a run, I pick fresh air, openness, and scenery of the outdoors over a treadmill every time.
When going for a run, I pick fresh air, openness, and scenery of the outdoors over a treadmill every time.
 Robert Cheeke
Desire is the key to motivation. It is the key to develop a healthy personality and a positive attitude towards oneself and others.
 Amit Abraham
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.
 Jeff Bezos
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
The importance of a journey is not measured by the distance covered, but by the destination reached.
There is no excuse for anyone not to train three times a week...Anyone can change their mind if they want to. It's all about motivation
 Lou Ferrigno
Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
When we were told it's impossible, we knew it's the right way to be done.
 Joe Sutter
The world belongs to the energetic.
A muse comes down from Mount Olympus and changes my attitude, cheering me up - it\'s an inner intuition, suddenly giving a breakthrough to be able to move ahead.
A muse comes down from Mount Olympus and changes my attitude, cheering me up - it's an inner intuition, suddenly giving a breakthrough to be able to move ahead.
 Robert Bateman
Carpe per diem - seize the check.
 Robin Williams
It's not your job to like me - it's mine
 Byron Katie
Our ancestors had displayed great strengths in space science. What people like Aryabhata had said centuries ago are being recognised by science today. We are a country which had these capabilities. We need to regain them.
Success is actually a short race-a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.
 Gary W. Keller
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week's value out of a year while another man gets a full year's value out of a week.
 Anthony Charles Richards
If we are going to do anything significant with life, we sometimes have to move away from it- beyond the usual measurements. We must occasionally follow visions and dreams.
 Bede Jarrett
The Olympics have been with the world since 776 B.C., and have only been interrupted by war, especially in the modern era.
 Bill Toomey
It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men.
Those who only do what they feel like, don\'t do much. To be successful at anything you must take action even when you don\'t feel like it, knowing it is the action itself that will produce the motivation you need to follow through.
Those who only do what they feel like, don't do much. To be successful at anything you must take action even when you don't feel like it, knowing it is the action itself that will produce the motivation you need to follow through.
 Hal Elrod
The best actors instinctively feel out what the other actors need, and they just accommodate it.
 Christopher Nolan