In the absence of fear there ...

In the absence of fear there is little faith.
 Michael Palin

Quotes from the same author

Night falls over Machu Picchu to the sound of Abba's 'Dancing Queen'.
 Michael Palin
Ronnie Barker was a straightforward man who had this extraordinary ability to make the nation laugh
 Michael Palin
I've been lucky to have made a number of travel programmes with the BBC, the object being to see places off the beaten track. As a result, I've often had a guide who's been able to show me things that you wouldn't see with a tour group.
 Michael Palin
I'd got over playing a character. People accepted who I was, and if I was incompetent and useless, they felt quite endeared to me.
 Michael Palin
It was a strange feeling going into a church I did not know for a service that I did not really believe in, but once inside I couldn't help a feeling of warmth and security. Outside there were wars and road accidents and murders, striptease clubs and battered babies and frayed tempers and unhappy marriages and people contemplating suicide and bad jokes, but once in St. Martin's there was peace. Surely people go to church not to involve themselves in the world's problems but to escape from them.
 Michael Palin