In shape they were like ...

In shape they were like horrible toads, and moved in a succession of springs, but in size they were of an incredible bulk, larger than the largest elephant. We had never before seen them save at night, and indeed they are nocturnal animals save when disturbed in their lairs, as these had been. We now stood amazed at the sight, for their blotched and warty skins were of a curious fish-like iridescence, and the sunlight struck them with an ever-varying rainbow bloom as they moved.
In shape they were like horrible toads, and moved in a succession of springs, but in size they were of an incredible bulk, larger than the largest elephant. We had never before seen them save at night, and indeed they are nocturnal animals save when disturbed in their lairs, as these had been. We now stood amazed at the sight, for their blotched and warty skins were of a curious fish-like iridescence, and the sunlight struck them with an ever-varying rainbow bloom as they moved.

Quotes from the same author

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
Whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
It is, I admit, mere imagination; but how often is imagination the mother of truth?
Skill is fine, and genius is splendid, but the right contacts are more valuable than either.