In most cultures, you can ...

In most cultures, you can have a kid at 18 and it's not a big thing. It's not like, 'Oh, you've got to get a different haircut and move to the suburbs and act, like, 35.'
 Julian Casablancas

Quotes from the same author

Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense.
 Julian Casablancas
The best artists are the ones that work the hardest, and if you work hard enough, you'll eventually experience the happy accidents that are art.
 Julian Casablancas
The artistic element of Manhattan has kind of moved to Brooklyn. Has it changed it? Yeah. Has it ruined it? I would say no. It is what it is. I say better that than an urban war zone.
 Julian Casablancas
Pretty much the only goal I've had since the beginning, which I still have, is just to get better, work hard, focus, and everything else will just be a bonus. As long as I'm satisfied, and I think we're getting better with every song compared to the last, then I'm satisfied and that's all I want. If we don't achieve that, then I'll be disappointed.
 Julian Casablancas
Sometimes I've sat outside, not to tan, but as a result of that I ended up tanning slightly.
 Julian Casablancas