If you maintain a consistent ...

If you maintain a consistent political position long enough, you'll eventually be accused of treason.
 Mort Sahl

Quotes from the same author

We claim we believe in compassion, which is an abstract, and when it's personified we discredit the man
 Mort Sahl
The distance between taking social action and having the knowledge is as wide as the mouth of the Mississippi.
 Mort Sahl
I made the mistake early in my career, when I moved to Hollywood, of being attracted to actresses. I used to go out exclusively with actresses and other female impersonators.
 Mort Sahl
There were four million people in the American Colonies and we had Jefferson and Franklin. Now we have over 200 million and the two top guys are Clinton and Dole. What can you draw from this? Darwin was wrong.
 Mort Sahl
A political satirist's job is to draw blood. I'm not so much interested in politics as I am in overthrowing the government.
 Mort Sahl