If I stayed a football ...

If I stayed a football player, my career would have been over 20 years ago. As it is, my knees are shot. I found I got the same good feeling in acting that I had in sports, but I found I could have a more profound impact on people.
 William Petersen

Quotes from the same author

Grissom comes from a place where we know he had a deaf mother, he was raised in a silent household, on some level, had a father who potentially was not around and he learned what he knew by himself in the back yard, with bugs and animals. He's not comfortable being a supervisor and that's his problem.
 William Petersen
I had panic attacks during rehearsal. There were times when I really thought I wasn't going to be able to do it.
 William Petersen
I think you can find yourself on one of these shows for a long period of time and think that all you'll ever be able to do is that character. Certainly people think of you that way.
 William Petersen
Corporate Hollywood thinks I'm a geek to go back and do theater. They don't understand why I don't want to be a movie star, why I'm not pursuing Mel Gibson's roles.
 William Petersen
I've never been in this business for the recognition or the awards. I just want to do good work, grab a decent paycheck, and move onto the next job.
 William Petersen