I wrote the first book, ...

I wrote the first book, Harvest of Stars, and as I was writing it, I saw that certain implications had barely been touched on... It's perfectly obvious that two completely revolutionary things are going on, with cybernetics, and biological science.
 Poul Anderson

Quotes from the same author

He had seen too much of the cosmos to have any great faith in man's ability to understand it.
 Poul Anderson
It is a truism that the structure of a society is basically determined by its technology. Not in an absolute sense-there may be totally different cultures using identical tools-but the tools settle the possibilities; you can't have interstellar trade without spaceships. A race limited to a single planet, possessing a high knowledge of mechanics but with its basic machines of industry and war requiring a large capital investment, will inevitably tend toward collectivism under one name or another. Free enterprise needs elbow room.
 Poul Anderson
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.
 Poul Anderson
Give fear no hold on you. Keep sinews loose and senses open, ready at every instant to flow with the rush of action.
 Poul Anderson